{according to instagram}
hello friendlikins!
how are we all? long time no see. hope you're fine n dandy! here's a snippet into my life over the last couple of weeks according to instagram. lots has been happening!
pretty pink fleurs |
pizza ingredients ready to be nommed |
ripe juicy tomatoes |
Easter long weekend tommy + i spent lots of time with family + friends + eating lots of homemade pizza oven pizza! friday, monday + tuesday was pizza time. nomnomnom!
sunshine flowers |
lovely black swans |
tommy + i went for a 3 1/2 hour walk on saturday afternoon. we didn't think it would take that long! but it was lovely to see some pretty flowers + black swans. half way through we stopped for some very much enjoyed ice-cream! we also spent some time reflecting on the reason for the sea on - Jesus' death + resurrection + sharing what we most LOVE about Jesus.
diy fringe |
pretty pink fleur |
fire pit kept us warm |
beautiful + delicious carrot cake |
festive decorations |
lovely flowers everywhere |
last weekend tommy + i spent the weekend in the blue mountains. all the family from sydney + melbourne made the trip up the mountain. some having driven 12 hours! the reason for the huge shindig was... well quite a few things really! there was tom's uncle john marrying his lovely now wife dante {congratulations!} asher celebrated her 21st + hannah her 30th + ouma {tommy's grandma} celebrated her 70th birthday, also finishing her masters in journalism + celebrating 40 years in australia {originally from south africa} with her children! just a few things. we had a lovely time in a huge house; playing board games + card games, nearly everyone playing a guitar jamming into the wee hours! i spent some time working on some knitting + the quilt. we ate lots of wedding feasty-food + fish'n'chips for dinner! really missing all the peeps. good times were had : )
sunset |
bike girl aka me |
after a crazy weekend of family, tommy + i went for a bike ride. our first as a married couple. actually first ever together! this is due to the fact that i haven't ridden a bike for 10 yrs... the last time being when i rode without working brakes, went down a huge hill + thought i was going to end up in the dirty dirty river. luckily i did survive + didn't go for an unwanted swim but i'd never ridden again since that day. now that i'm an adult i need to ride on the road. so i did that for the first time. and we rode for 2 hours, so we ended up riding in the dark. my first time for that too! i survived due to my very lovely handsome + helpful hubby who guided me along the way! can't wait to go for another ride! all i need is my own bike.
kitty rascals |
so this happened the other night. i came out to find a toilet papery mess all over the floor. i'm not sure if it was both bumble + moose or just one. such rascals!
as you can see i've been pretty busy of late! i've also had a few projects in the works - the crafty, bloggy, etsy kind. due to all the crazies i have been getting a tad sick - hence the lack of me being in the blog world. but sometimes we just need to rest + enjoy our real lives. i've also gotten back into using my hectic planner - which i basically haven't touched in a month... whoops! how's YOUR life been lately? any adventures or skills learned or thoughts to share? would LOVE to hear them!
love love
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