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less habit & more intent {link} |
Hello lovely friendlikins!
How are you this fine and dandy, sunshiny day? I hope you're staying cool in the air-con or the pool, perhaps the shade of a tree? Today I will be sharing with you what my monthly goals are for 2015! The plan for this year is to be more intentional about every aspect of my life; whether it's relationships, work, study or health. I thought the best way to approach this task would be to tackle each goal as a habit to change, one per month through out the year. Generally when it comes to making new year's resolutions I get a bit too excited and carried away with all the things I want to achieve, that I end up overwhelmed and disappointed that I hadn't been able to tick off all the things on my SUPER long list! Well, 2015 is going to be different! By tackling one habit/goal each month it makes it more manageable and a higher chance of success. And if that's all I get done this year, it will still be twelve things that I've made changes to in my life. BOOYAH!
Here's what I'll be working on in 2015:
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january - water {link} & february - exercise {link} |
JANUARY - the goal was to drink 2 litres of water each day. How did I go? Well, not as well as I was hoping for, but I managed to drink more water in general and completed the whole 2 litres on 7 days in January. I'd been drinking a can of coke zero, fizzy drink and alcohol just about every day over the holidays. I knew it wasn't good for me and I'd noticed I always seemed to feel dehydrated, so it was a no brainer to make it my first habit to change. Will you join me in drinking more H2O?
FEBRUARY - the habit that I'm working on this month is to be exercising more. I was REALLY slack over the holidays and then the weather was not ideal; either hot like an oven or storming. Excuses, excuses... I know. My bad! BUT on the upside Tom and I have started walking again. Before we were even dating, Tom and I would go on crazy long walks, just walking and talking, getting to know each other and just enjoying each other's company. We may have *cough* spent anywhere between 5 to 9 hours walking *cough*. Sorry, just have a tickle in my throat! hehe Ahh, yes, so the goal for February is to do 10 000 steps each day, which I have accomplished 4 times and come very close a few times as well! Will you join me in getting your step count up?
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march - faith {link} & april - veggies {link} |
MARCH - next month I'll be working on my faith; my relationship with Jesus. I've been struggling to spend quality time reading the bible and in prayer for a few years now, and I REALLY wanted to change that bad habit! So for the month of March I will be spending about 30 mins each morning reading the bible and in prayer with my AMAZING God! I've started already and it's been great : ) Will you join me in spending more time with God? Perhaps you will look into Jesus?
APRIL - the next bad habit I will be changing is my lack of nomming on veggies. I'll be challenging myself to eat 5 servings of veggies which is the recommended amount. I've been sick for a long time, so I thought a heavy does of nutrients was in need! Will you nom some more veggies with me?
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may - social {link} & june - read {link} |
MAY - will be the month of being social; being intentional about calling friends and family, texting or emailing and inviting people over! I have gotten into the habit of not responding straight away to texts, I hear it's a common thing - do you struggle with it too? Relationships are important to me but I haven't been very good at showing that, so things are going to change! Maybe you're great at keeping in contact with people or maybe like me you need to get more social. Will you join me in this quest?
JUNE - shall be the month of reading. I'll be striving to read one chapter a day. I used to be an avid reader but now not so much, although I have been listening to a WHOLE lot of audiobooks over the last few years! Do you like audiobooks or do you prefer the paper kind? I'm planning on reading a few books from my bookshelf which I haven't read yet. Will you be joining me in reading a good book? Perhaps you are engrossed by a book at the moment! Do share in the comments below!
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july - etsy {link} & august - blog {link} |
JULY - is the month that I will be particularly focusing on my etsy business 'Mouse & Bear'. Every day I will either make something or photograph a product to sell on my etsy store. I'm excited to get it up and running, and looking forward to spending that time getting lots done! Have you heard of etsy? I always describe it to be kind of like ebay but it's all vintage or handmade items, from makers and sellers all around the world. I LOVE it! Perhaps you have an etsy store; do share please! I'd love to check it out : ) If your'e thinking of opening an etsy store online, you should check out #etsyresolution on facebook.
AUGUST - another habit I want to start is spending more time writing blog posts here in blogland. I want to be more intentional about writing each day and providing your lovely selves with quality content, to inspire you as I share what I'm learning and making and doing! I want to work towards posting each day and connecting with y'all. Do you blog? I'd love to check it out : ). Do you have a favourite blog? Perhaps you will join me with taking our blogging more seriously?
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september - adventures {link} & october - sleep {link} |
SEPTEMBER - will be a month for having adventures! Whether it's going for a walk in the national park, a photo scavenger hunt, visiting a cafe I've never been to, learning to surf or baking something new! Do you have any plans for adventures this year? Do share in the comments below!
OCTOBER - is all about working on my sleep. Tommy is very much an night owl, which generally means we're not getting to sleep until after 1 am. We've already started to work on not playing phones in bed and right before bed, and also trying to get up and go to bed much earlier too! It's been hard and tiring but totally worth getting up earlier, as we have so much of the day to get things done. When you compare getting up anywhere between 9 am and 1 pm, to 5 am to 9 am you can see why we need to change our bad sleeping habits! I don't imagine your sleeping habits are as bad as ours, so let's kick our bad sleep habits in the butt!
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november - gtd {link} & december - less tech {link} |
NOVEMBER - is a month of focusing on getting things done! As it draws closer to the end of the year it's easy to to fall into holiday mode, so I thought if I'm particularly working on being productive and getting things done, then I wont get lazy holiday-itis. I'm sure there will be plenty of presents and cards to make for Christmas and parties to plan and attend, so getting things done will be key! Will you get things done with me?
DECEMBER - will be a month of less tech; avoiding watching tv, playing phones and mindlessly searching things on the internet. A time for real world fun times, adventures, birthday good times and Christmas joy! Perhaps you would like to join me?
PHEW! Well that's what I'll be working on this year. What are your goals for 2015? Perhaps you'll try some habit changing too? I'm excited for what 2015 holds; I think it will be a great year of working on my health, crafty biz and getting things done!
love love
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