Friday, April 19, 2013

{instagram photo a day}

{march edition}

hello ello friendlikins!

hope your'e enjoying a tasty lunch : ) i thought i would share with you how i went with the instagram photo a day goals for march. i didn't do so well...

day 1. {L is for...}

day 2. {i made this!}
centre of the quilt
day 8. {favourite}

day 10. {i want...}

to be amongst the trees

day 26. {something you did}

went for a 3 1/2 hour walk!
as you can see i didn't get heaps done... but there's always the next month to get them all done! it's been great to have visual reminders + memories of what we've done + how we've spent our time. that's one of the reasons why i blog : )

let's create beautiful stories with our lives whilst we're here. full of colourful pictures of all the adventures + laughs + triumphs + hardships! life can be quite wonderful when we live with purpose + meaning. where do you find meaning in life? what gives you purpose? would LOVE to know how you do life!

love love

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