Monday, September 27, 2010


Wow it’s been a looooong, beautiful sunny day! I’ve been awake since 2:30 am! Ahhh the joys of being me. Oh... I just realised that I could have watched the sunrise! Mmmm... next time! (And I assure you there will be a next time). So what was I doing in the wee hours of the morning if I wasn’t checking out the sun in all its glory? Well, I sent a few messages (as you do...), and I crotched around a couple of squares whilst thinking about my future plans and all the things I want to learn, and whilst listening to the beautiful songs of the birds as they awoke : D. (There was a really confused bird the other night. At about 2am it was chirping?!)

This morning I had the pleasure of leading/hanging out with the preschool aged Sunday school group called Noahs – for the 9am and 10:30am service. Today’s teaching was on how God is with us everywhere and all the time – whether it’s in the day or the night, at home or at preschool, and in the playground or whilst we are sleeping. So although our parents, friends, teachers won’t always be with us – we can know that God is! (I’m not sure if it was the teaching or just having a distraction/focus for one of the girls that helped her to stop crying, as she was missing her dad – who wasn’t with her). I find it a huge comfort to know that God is always with me. To know that I’m always protected, loved, cared for more than I can ever wrap my head around! I was thinking yesterday about how there are things about God that are a mystery – and about how awesome that is! Awesome, because how can you be in awe of something that you fully understand? How can you live for someone who is equal with you? And if we look at ourselves sincerely, we know that we aren’t perfect, nor particularly good – and actually pretty good at stuffing things up! I’m so thankful for a God who is awe inspiring, who is the only good one, who is holy and worthy of all praise! So yay for mysteries in God, and for being able to know Him from reading his word in the Bible!

Unfortunately I missed out on the BBQ lunch party today of a friend – but probably best that I rest up + I get to do some more croteching! Am I obsessed? Possibly, just a tad! So I hit up the local Spotlight to buy a whole load of wool : D. I’m working my way up to making some lovely crotched flower squares – I think they will be delightful!

What a day indeed! I have now been awake for 21 ½ hrs and counting... yikes! It has been a lovely day though. Although I missed the sunrise, I go to see a lovely bluey, mauvey tree silhouetted sunset whilst driving over the bridge, with the lights all lit up and what not. And this evening at church we looked @ 2 Corinthians 3:7-4:6, and the things which stood out to me were about how we are able to know what God is like through Jesus, by reading the bible, and by the Holy Spirit revealing the truths about God that we may see Him clearly – we don’t need big impressive things to know God. Although I would think that the bible and Holy Spirit are big and impressive!  The phrase that sums it all for me was ‘admiration leads to transformation’, as in to contemplate God’s glory will lead to our lives being transformed, we will reflect God’s glory as he works in us, making us more like himself. What an honour! I’m so thankful that it’s nothing that I have done or will do that saves me but that it’s all in Jesus alone! And so I want to make a more conscious effort of fixing my eyes on Jesus and being completely satisfied in him!

Until tomorrow,
Your friend Liz : )

P.S. Sorry about the lack of posting yesterday - I was tre tired, and lacking any word mojo! And hence the lengthyness of todays.

P.P.S. Here’s a little somethin somethin to make you smile – although if you don’t like clowns... you should probably avoid it!

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