Tuesday, May 28, 2013

{52 things before 25}

{nail art inspiration}

hello lovely friendlikins!

HAPPY TUESDAY! hope your'e having a lovely day, even though the clouds are out to play. the topic of today is le nail art. have you been swept up by the craze? when i was in year 7 i would change my nails every week, doing different colour combos + trying out patterns. i had waaay too much time on my hands - literally! these days, i do try to get my nails done fairly regularly. the only problem is that i never wait til there dry enough before i try to do something! and i seem to find myself painting my nails in the car, and the other day at the train station... which actually worked out really well as the cool air + not being at home with all the things enticing me to touch them + ruin my nails.

painting my nails at the train station

drying in the cool air

do you paint your nails in random places too? or is that just me? haha have you tried out any patterns or designs? i've decided to slowly work myself up to the task/i'm not sure if i should bother doing anything too intricate as i'll just end up smudging it! so i started off with black shimmery nail polish - as i never wear black, so something a bit different. i also was going to add some kind of patterny thing to the ones below but didn't get that far. i think they still looked fun : )

step 1. apply nail hardener or base coat.
step 2. apply fun colours of your choosing!

it reminded me of a flower with a golden centre + purple/pink petals. i've been gifted some nail decals, so i think they will be my next challenge. i think something quite simple will be best.

will you join me in learning some nail art skills too? it's all part of my {52 things before 25} goals, which you're more than welcome to join in with + share how you go! that would be dandy : )

love love


  1. Hi Lizzy! I paint my nails whenever I get a moment away from my little boy as you never know when he's going to want to be picked up so am often doing it on friday nights at youth group... Love the patterns, Want to try the splatters :-) This week my nails were watermelons...

  2. ello sarah!

    yeh that would be SUPER tricky with your bub! yeh i thought the splatter ones would be just as fun to do as they are to see : P wow, just checked out the watermelons - very nice! one day i'll try something more complex : )

    love love
